"Agile customized to meet your needs, reflect your values, and support your business."
Product Owner Class
Prepare For Two Product Owner Agile Exams
Are you an Agile Product Owner?
Congratulations, you have been handed the toughest job in all of Agile. How would your life change if you had a proven process to quickly create great Agile backlogs in 3 days with only 4 meetings? A process that reliably and repeatedly helps you:
Deliver great products
Wow users
Inspire your team
Make Executives happy
This is what we teach in our Agile Product Owner class. It is called The Value Cycle, and your life will change forever once you've mastered this process!
For twenty years we have been running Agile teams and building great backlogs. We know the signs of a backlog problem:
User stories running over from Sprint to Sprint
Sprints with nothing to demonstrate
Late and over budget projects
The job of managing an Agile backlog is complex. Sometimes it is not even clear where to begin. This workshop provides detailed direction on how to start and how to deliver. Past student have said...
"The Q&A with real life scenarios is like a coaching & support group all rolled into one! Amazing."
"I learned so much in this class. It was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!"
"Powerful method of teaching & excellent content!"
"I SO enjoyed this course! I'm really looking forward to going back & using these ideas to build better backlogs :) "
This training is also valuable preparation for TWO AGILE EXAMS for Product Owners.

Agile Product Owner Training
Creating Products That Rock
Product Owners needing to move quickly, direct their teams, and rapidly deliver value will love this class. This training event is for you if ANY of the following are true:
You are eager to learn an easier way to create a great Agile backlog
Your boss told you to"Be our Product Owner"and you need to know what that means and how to do it
Are you already a Product Owner but the team isn't delivering what you actually need, and you don't know why
If any of these ring true for you then your really want to attend our next Agile Product Owner Training Event.

This course is taught by Agile masters Tom Meloche and Helene Gidley, two of the most experienced Agilists in the country. Seating is limited to just 20 students.
Direct access to world class instructors
Hands-on, immersive, and engaging exercises
Immediately applicable techniques
Tom and Helene share their profound understanding on Agile techniques for creating Agile backlogs. Read what recent students have said:
"Credentials of and reputation of instructors are unparalleled."
"The instructor's ability to be engaging & energetic is golden."
"The 'real world' experience of the instructors enables them to draw from a rich tapestry of stories. More than just lecture, they keep you engaged in the learning process. There are no bystanders here!"
The core analysis techniques you learn at this class can be applied across the entire enterprise and even in your personal life.
Agile Product Owner Training
Creating Products That Rock
Skills Relevant to the Highest Paid Jobs in America
When you learn how to rapidly create great Agile backlogs you are mastering skills used in some of the best paid careers in the country.
In the current Glassdoor survey half of the top 20 jobs need people with these skills, read the job descriptions!
Program/Product Manager alone was listed with a median base salary of $102,969 a year. Ranked currently at #14, it's amongst the highest paid jobs.
Year after year we see people we have trained in these skills move into great new jobs and get promoted.
This class is a great first step to turn life-changing skills into new opportunities. In addition, attendees who complete the course earn continuing education PDU's or SEU's. If you don't know what any of this means don't worry, we will teach you!

The Product Management Revolution
From the iPhone to the Tesla our world is defined by innovative products and services. Learn how to create them, be more productive, and become and awesome Product Owner. Learn how to:
Build a great Agile backlog in 3-days with only 4-meetings
Effectively communicate your needs to your teams
Avoid the one single backlog mistake which kills most Agile projects
This course is applicable to anyone wanting to improve their backlog. It teaches the basis of great Product Ownership and you leave with a manual of tools and techniques you will reference for years to come.

Agile Product Owner Training
Creating Products That Rock
World Class Instructors
This Agile Product Owner event is unique in that it is taught by world class Agile instructors: Agile Master Tom Meloche and Coach-of-Coaches Helene Gidley. It is a special opportunity to learn Agile from people with so much real-world experience.
Tom Meloche
Tom was an Agile pioneer. He created and taught the very first class on Agile in Michigan in 2002.
Over the past eighteen years he led Agile transformations in companies both large and small
Tom co-founded Menlo Innovations LLC, the company featured in the book "Joy Inc. How we built a workplace people love."
He has overseen the delivery of hundreds and hundreds of Agile projects with budgets counted in billions
Helene Gidley
Helene has been working as an Agile trainer, mentor, and coach for fifteen years. A coach of coaches, she leads the annual Agile Coach Retreat in Ann Arbor MI.
She has thirty years of experience in the IT industry
She consults and trains for the Fortune 500, startups, and mid-sized companies bringing broad Agile experience, coaching, and training to project teams
She is the founder of Agile Groupies, a Scrum Meetup, which has been running for 10 years
Tom and Helene believe in Appreciative Agile, growing agility with our clients by celebrating and embracing the best of their existing corporate culture.

Agile Product Owner Training
Creating Products That Rock
Covered Material
This three-day immersion class is jam packed with great material you learn in hands-on activities. You will not be bored.
Participants learn nine different powerful tools for creating great Agile backlogs, including:
The Value Cycle
Value stream maps
Object diagrams
Persona maps
Story maps
Inquiry story templates
Acceptance criteria
Paper prototypes
Business visions
Participants practice using a revolutionary new inquiry story template for writing user stories. This template makes it almost impossible to write a bad user story.
In addition, participants practice ceremonies for ideation, user selection, work prioritization, and user feedback. As a result, they leave with an extensive tool set for creating great Agile backlogs.

Who Should Attend
Agile is sweeping the world. It has grown to include everyone interested in managing their overwhelm and being more productive. Suddenly everyone needs a backlog! If the topics covered on this page spoke to you, then you should attend. You will be glad you did.
Typical attendees include entrepreneurs, executives, product managers, product owners, analysts, user experience designers, scrum masters, coaches, project managers, and quality analysts. They all benefit from this class.
Anyone passionate about building great Agile backlogs is welcome!
Experienced Agile professionals and newbies alike have talked about how much they enjoyed this class. Find out why.